Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Child Abuse

This is about child abuse. Before anyone gets snippy I am going to call CPS right after I pick up my son from school. Names are changed to protect the child. I first met her father and her at the gas station at the corner. She was running around, getting in the way of customers and generally being obnoxious! As I got to know them better I began to offer help, stuff like sitting for his 11 yo daughter. I am use to hyper children mine has ADHD and ODD and slight OCD. She wouldn't be much of a problem. He works, he has his own maintance company, he is known as "Stinky Martin" and his name doesn't do him justice, he is NASTY filthy an smells like a horses ass disgusting! His daughter is Ann (not her real name) Stinky Martin also owns a truck, a truck that looks like a comcast truck, it's disgusting and filthy inside.

  Like I said Ann is only 11, she is forced to stay with her dad while he is working, this is at all hours of the night, he has een out with her sleeping in the gross seat as late as 1am. It was a weekday. The poor child is forced to sleep in a cold truck in the fall. Forced to sleep in a sculding truck in the summer. She is also dirty, he seems to rarely bathe her and as a result she smells bad. I have witnessed her telling various people that she was sooooo hungry... Sorry I had to go get my child so this is an edit!!!!
 I witnessed a few incidences with her being hungry, the first time was at the gas station, I heard her say "Dad I am starving, I am so hungry please feed me!" Her dad said "Got some chips or candy". So her supper consisted of a reeses 4 pack and a bag of Lays potato chips! The 2nd time was the time her and her dad came into the gas station, (he does a lot of work for them) he was working on something and my boyfriend was working as well, and I was there for ciggarettes and I wanted a snack! I was standing there BSing with the cashier and they came in, she was filthy dirty, it was a school night and she looked just as dirty that morning as she was that night. She ran in almost crying cause she was "so hungry" she said "I am hungry daddy, please can I finally have something to eat" WHAT? "I want pizza" she took the pizza out of the box without paying for it (which is a big no-no) (it's like stealing". She tore it open and was so hungry she couldn't stand to wait for it to cook the entire 3-4 minutes. So she let it cook for 1 minute, and ate it 1/2 frozen. 1/2 frozen and the other half was cold. This pizza was not precooked, the cheese was shreded and still in small chunks. She said she was "starving".. The 3rd time was while her dad was doing some basic building maintance, he was working in the basement when his daughter, "Ann" went to the owners apartment (same people who own the gas station) She banged loudly and rudely on their apt door, they answered and she said "I am starving feed me!!!" She demanded to be fed, an 11 yo demanding an adult to feed her. Wow... So the owner tried to feed her a spaghetti dinner, a healthy home made spaghetti dinner witth vegies on the side, she said she did not want that, she demanded chips and candy which she did not get. So she didn't eat, the food the owner offered her was there incase she wanted it. This is what I have witnessed, God only knows how many other times she has been starved. I can understand when a parent is busy, sometimes they may forget to fix dinner but when the child says she or he is hungry in my case I drop everything I am doing and make sure he eats! Sad isn't it, I hope CPS helps them, they need it, I am not the type of person to wish for a child to be taken to away but there is a thin line and this crosses it!!

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